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Protein fitness for the yoga enthusiast

Protein fitness for the yoga enthusiast -

As a fitness supplement, protein is often associated with muscle building and weight lifting, but do you know that protein can help those who practice Yoga? Surprised? Read on to find out the secrets of yogic nutrition that help to attain a balance of body, mind and soul.

Our body is made of tissues, and tissues degenerate during any form of physical activity like yoga, dance, muscle stretching etc.  Generally, yoga asanas require stretching and some postures are muscle strenuous. 

  1. Do you feel tired half way through yoga practice?
  2. Do you get cramps while practicing some postures?
  3. Do your muscles feel sore after the practice?
  4. Do you feel yoga as an energy draining activity instead of energy boosting activity?

If your answer to any of these questions is a “Yes”, chances are, that you may have protein deficiency.

When we practice asana we ask our bodies to do something for us. In return, we need to give what our body needs. Protein is essential for the support of lean muscle, immune function, energy levels and for basic body maintenance.  Without enough protein, immune and energy levels go down making you feel much fatigue after all that great yoga postures.  Adding high protein in the food routine is important to keep your muscles from being sore after a yoga practice. For those who practice faster yoga workouts like vinyasa, high protein foods will help to build strength and stamina. 


Yoga practitioners choose to follow a diet free from caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol so that it promotes a healthy and healing balance. Yogic food stresses on consumption of food that is fresh, seasonal, chemical-free and is of high quality protein.

Pre yoga snacks

You might want to fuel up well before the practice, since all that activity can take a toll on your body’s hydration levels. So, prepare yourself before you hit the mat. But no heavy five course meals since full stomach can make you feel unsteady. A light meal an hour before the practice helps to reap the benefits of the jump in the blood sugar. Staying hydrated during the session is good, but do not overdo it. Practicing yoga with a stomach full of water, especially poses with twists can make one feel uncomfortable. Instead, take small sips throughout. 

Post yoga snacks

Be mindful of taking high protein food. A handful of nuts, quinoa, or paneer for vegetarians and skinless chicken breast, scrambled eggs with veggies and tuna make great post yoga snacking. Avoid taking sugary drinks as they may dehydrate you. High sugar indulgence may be gratifying, but can also be detrimental to health. Coconut water is high in minerals and can help to keep you hydrated and refreshed. Fruits like watermelon can make a nice post yoga treat especially if its chilled. Bananas contain potassium and, in a flash; can bring you back to life.


Benefits of Whey Protein in Yoga

Promotes stamina

When you consume protein foods, they are then broken down by your body as amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscles. Protein refuels the body so that you do not feel fatigue halfway through the sessions. Protein helps to build stamina and maintain a positive energy balance thereby improving workout endurance. 

Protein helps to provide energy to the body and boosts performance. It helps to increase metabolism which may aid in burning calories more efficiently. Protein shakes or Protein Bars are convenient to consume on the go. 

Builds muscle

Consuming the right amount of Whey protein helps in stimulating muscle development. Taking adequate protein helps to maintain muscle mass and also promotes growth during workouts. Supplementing your diet with quality protein can help to increase muscle mass, promote healthy metabolism while also helping to tone and define the body. Whey protein contains an incredible range of essential amino acids which can be absorbed into the body quickly.

Recovers muscle tissues

During any physical activity, the process of Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) gets activated wherein body produces protein to repair the muscle damage caused by intense exercise. This process counteracts the Muscle Protein Breakdown (MPB) that occurs due to protein loss during workouts. But this alone is not sufficient for the body to repair all the cells. For those who practice yoga, spreading their intake of protein throughout the day can help in MPS. A little protein in the morning, and then a bit at lunch. Finally, a bedtime drink containing protein may help to stimulate MPS during the night and promote muscle building. 

Benefits of yoga are established for ages and by adding high protein in the food routine, you can stretch those benefits further.  Next time when you unroll your yoga mat think about this.

Lighten up with Yoga. Power up with Whey91 Protein Bars.