“Little miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey” the 18th century English nursery rhyme is quite of a recognition that Whey is considered as a part of healthy diet.
Proteins are the main building blocks of our body. They are assembled from amino acids; small molecules that are linked together like beads on a string. Some proteins are naturally produced by the body while some others are added through the food we consume. Protein found in Whey is of exceptionally high quality as its loaded with essential amino acids that our body can’t produce itself.
What is Whey Protein?
Whey is a natural by-product of the cheese making process. Ever noticed watery content floating on top when you open a yogurt container? That’s whey! During the making of cheese, fatty parts of the milk collect together and water part is separated. Whey is the watery part of the milk. During the earlier times, this liquid was discarded as its commercial value was not realized. After getting separated during the making of cheese, whey goes through various stages and finally becomes what is known as whey protein, the one that is used in making protein bars and protein powders.
Forms of Whey protein
Whey protein comes in isolates, concentrates, hydrolysates and native forms.
- Whey protein concentrate has low fat and cholesterol, but more carbohydrates. They retain most of the beneficial nutrients in whey.
- Whey protein isolate is processed a bit more to remove the fat and lactose and contain more protein.
- Hydrolysates are semi-hydrolyzed for easy metabolism but generally is more expensive.
- Native whey is extracted from skimmed milk and makes either concentrate or isolate.
Whey protein benefits
Supplementing your diet with quality protein can help to increase muscle mass, boost performance, promote healthy metabolism while also helping to tone and define the body. Whey protein contains an incredible range of essential amino acids which can be absorbed into the body quickly. Studies reveal that it can help in gaining muscle and increase our strength. Whey protein contains leucine, an important amino acid in the muscle building process. It also contains cysteine which helps in supporting muscle growth and metabolism. Whey protein is particularly considered essential for increasing the production of new protein in the muscles. It is for anyone and everyone who want to add healthy protein into their diet.

Protein pair
What seems to be a smart move for the muscles and health isn’t always a delicious move for the taste buds. Anyone who tasted protein powder will know that it’s not something to look forward to. Whey protein does not have a good taste on its own and hence usually flavours like chocolate, strawberry, coffee and vanilla are added to it. An easy solution is to gussy up the protein drink with berries, bananas etc. That’s better than eating the supplement by itself. Isn’t’ it?
Whey protein is a healthy way to add more protein into your diet. Whey is a quality protein that is absorbed and utilized efficiently by the human body.
Is Whey protein safe?
If consumed in right amounts, at the right intervals whey protein can be considered safe.
Is it safe to consume whey protein every day?
Yes. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (Source: health.harvard.edu)
What extra steps should one take while consuming whey protein?
One should make sure to hydrate their body by taking plenty of water while having whey protein.
What is the best time to have a protein shake?
The best time is in the morning during breakfast, pre workout to help in recovery and post work out i.e. within 30 minutes of workout to prevent muscle break down.
Does whey protein cause hair loss?
No. It does not cause hair loss.
Click Here to find our range of Whey91 Protein Bars.