Winter has arrived and it is time to stir a healthy storm in your kitchen. During winters, our body craves for immunity enhancing food. While wholesome calorie laden food helps to keep ourselves warm, they also invariably add a few inches to our belly fat. Hence protein is a better ‘go-to’ option. Adding proteins and healthy fats regularly helps to keep the body warm and fit during winters.
Nutritional food play an important role in building a healthy immune system with whole grains making the most nourishing meals. Protein is an integral part of almost all functions of the body. Protein rich food boosts body’s metabolism since body uses calories to utilize the nutrients in the food. Our body requires protein rich food for the regular wear and tear of muscles, gain muscle mass and speed up recovery. Amino acids in protein helps in the healthy formation of bones, nail and hair. The goodness of amino acids along with minerals and vitamins help to release energy, reduce fatigue and bridge the nutritional gaps in your diet. It is essentially beneficial to those who are into bodybuilding and gyming to activate muscle protein synthesis while supporting strength.
Coming back to the many benefits of protein, increasing protein rich dishes and warm beverages helps to generate natural body heat on cold days.

Trail Mix
Trail mix is a combination of nuts, seeds and dry fruits. Winter is the best time to nosh on nuts since they help to increase body temperature. Plus, these tiny superfoods are healthy, nutritionally mighty, and warms you up when the winter chill sets in. Nuts like almonds, peanuts, walnuts and cashew nuts can provide you with the nutrition to survive the season. Seeds like sesame, pumpkin and pistachios can be taken as a snack or added into meals to get some extra crunch.
Leafy Green Vegetables
Green vegetables like kale, cabbage, broccoli, green peas and spinach are rich in minerals and vitamins which helps in to sail through the winter time. Green vegetables are loaded with soluble and insoluble fibre, minerals and vitamins which helps to boost immunity against winter cold and flu.
Citrus Fruits
Sweet, and juicy citrus fruits can give us the much needed sunshine in winters. Known for their flu fighting abilities, citrus fruits are packed with antioxidants and nutrients; that help our body to get rid of free radicals and positively enhance metabolic functions. And what can be even better? They can be enjoyed beyond juices! Fruits like cranberries and blueberries can be relished as casual snacks, while lemons make classic choice as appetizers, and grapefruits lend themselves to desserts like scones. Citrus fruits can be enjoyed in myriad ways.
Fish and Eggs
Salmon, tuna and cod fish are a good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. High source of protein and omega acids in the fish helps to repair body tissues and formulate essential amino acids in the body. Apart from being a powerhouse of protein eggs are also a good source of zinc and Vitamins A and B-12.
Light the fire and prepare the stove. Winter is the time for soups. Soups, especially homemade are a great source of high protein. Amino acids present in the soups are good for muscle growth and repair. Soups make quick and easy meals while also taking the hassle out of party preparations. Healthy vegetable soups, delicious mushroom soups for vegetarians and chicken corn soups, and seafood soups for the meat lovers and incredibly easy to make at home while you can also experiment with other local ingredients as per your choice. Creamy, rich and bursting with flavours, soups make an exceptional addition to your daily diet in winters.
Protein Bars
Packaged protein bars do well in cold weather and offer additional fuel. Whey91 Protein Bars gives in the short term energy boost while the proteins kick in gradually. With 20g premium protein, 3g fiber and powered with immunity enhancing Lactoferrin, the bar comes in delicious Strawberry flavour making a healthy choice of nutrition. Stash them in your travel bag, pack them when you are hitting the trail or take them with you to the beach, Whey91 Protein Bars make a great snack when you are on-the-go. Simple, convenient and portable to carry.